Category Archives: skin

What is dehydrated skin How to fix dehydrated skin

What Is Dehydrated Skin & How To Fix It

What is dehydrated skin? Dehydrated skin is a type of skin that lacks water and moisture. It can appear to look like dry skin, but it’s not. It can affect anybody regardless of skin type, oily, combination, etc.  When your skin is dehydrated, it can look dull and start showing premature aging. It usually feels…

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Fruit 12 Edited

4 Amazing Anti-Ageing Skin Care Ingredients to Start Using Right Away!

Before you get started reading the article, click here if you want a good anti-ageing package that contains a very good serum and cream to help you clear ageing issues such as lines, wrinkles and spots. Everybody wants to look younger and even more beautiful. However, ageing comes with its own challenges that threaten our…

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Skin care dark woman

7 Tips For Glowing Skin

Have you been trying hard to get glowing skin? Don’t worry you are not alone. The number one priority in terms of skin care for many women right now is the same as you, how to get a beautiful glowing skin. Read through some tips below to help you get a naturally healthy skin glow.…

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young black girl

What Skin Type Am I?

A person’s skin type may be influenced by many things like genetics, our state of health, hormones, our meals, environmental factors, and lots more. When dealing with the environment, we have to face challenges, second-hand smoke, environmental pollution, UV rays from the sun and more. Each skin type has its pros and cons as well…

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