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What is dehydrated skin How to fix dehydrated skin

What Is Dehydrated Skin & How To Fix It

What is dehydrated skin? Dehydrated skin is a type of skin that lacks water and moisture. It can appear to look like dry skin, but it’s not. It can affect anybody regardless of skin type, oily, combination, etc.  When your skin is dehydrated, it can look dull and start showing premature aging. It usually feels…

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Fruit 12 Edited

4 Amazing Anti-Ageing Skin Care Ingredients to Start Using Right Away!

Before you get started reading the article, click here if you want a good anti-ageing package that contains a very good serum and cream to help you clear ageing issues such as lines, wrinkles and spots. Everybody wants to look younger and even more beautiful. However, ageing comes with its own challenges that threaten our…

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Beautiful skin lady

Milk – The Magical Ingredient For Your Skin!

Did you know that Milk is not only used for consumption but as an essential part of your skincare regimen? Yes, milk has great benefits for the skin. In those days people used to take baths soaked in Milk. Even Queen Cleopatra was said to have over 6000 donkeys she milked every day simply to…

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Soft skin wide

What Happens When You Don’t Moisturize?

Life is hectic enough without adding lengthy beauty routines to it. We know what we are supposed to do but we sometimes skip steps to save time or energy. Whatever you do, make sure moisturizing your face is not one of those skipped steps. Here’s why.   Dull and Dry skin if you don’t moisturize…

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Lady touching Face

6 Facial Cleansing Do’s And Don’ts For Great Skin

Today I will be discussing facial cleansers. A facial cleanser is a product that is used to cleanse the skin on the face. It is basically a type of facial product that is used in skin care to remove dead skin cells, oil on the skin, dirt from daily activities, and other environmental pollutants we encounter…

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Toned sleeping woman

How To Tone Your Skin While You Sleep

We all know the rose flower but not everyone knows the toning benefits you get from the rose. Some other benefits of rose flower to the skin include: 1. It can help to soothe and calm the skin. 2. Rose can help to hydrate and moisturize the skin. 3. Rose flowers can help to reduce…

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Cucumbers multiple

7 Cucumber Uses And Benefits of Cucumber For The Skin

Most people believe cucumber is a vegetable while in fact, it’s actually a fruit. Cucumber juice is good for the body when ingested and also great for the body when applied directly to the skin. Cucumbers have high water content and other elements and nutrients that help in cleansing the skin, promoting digestion, and protecting…

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Black beautiful girl

3 Myths Of Acne [Part 3 of 3]

3 Myths Of Acne [Part 3/3] Myths Of Acne – Cosmetics This is part three of a three-part post on acne myths. If you missed the previous posts you can see the Part 1 and Part 2 here. Today we will be looking at the 3rd myth of Acne. These are not all the myths…

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