3 Myths of Acne – Part One
Acne is the name for the skin condition that causes pimples.
It is a popular skin condition affecting many people. It can cause blackheads, whiteheads, and other types of pimples. Acne can also affect the skin in other ways, such as causing it to be oily or dry.
Types of Acne
Acne can be divided into two main types: inflammatory and non-inflammatory.
Non-inflammatory acne includes blackheads and whiteheads, which are also known as comedones. These types of acne don’t usually cause pain or swelling.
Inflammatory acne is a really severe form of the condition and includes pimples, cysts, and nodules. These types of acne can be painful and often lead to swelling.
Popular Myths of Acne
Before we can even talk about how to get rid of pimples and prevent them from recurring we need to know these myths.
We also need to know them because it is hard to tell the effective strategies and methods that actually work for getting rid of your acne, with so much wrong information being circulated around.
From dangerous remedies that will cause your acne to get worse, to following strategies that could cause permanent scarring, it’s important to understand what really works, and what doesn’t.
This is why I have compiled a few myths that can help you stop making the mistakes others are making, so as to allow your skin to get better, not worse.
MYTH 1: Lifestyle as the Cause of Acne
The first myth we would be looking at is that your lifestyle is the cause of your acne.
Yes, I have heard it all, from chocolate being the leading cause of acne to the wrong diet, to exposure to the sun or to bacteria, people are consistently misled into believing that if they only avoid specific things, their acne would suddenly disappear.
That is not the case.
Yes, different people have different skin types and react differently to different lifestyle choices. However, diet and lifestyle choices are not usually the root cause of acne.
In fact, if you have stopped chocolate because you were told that it was the primary cause of acne, go ahead and grab yourself a box of your favourite brand. Chocolate, among the other ridiculous agents listed on various sites, are not responsible for your acne. Extensive scientific research has officially ruled out any direct causal association between acne and your diet.
That being said, certain foods may cause your existing acne to flare up, and if you experience a breakout after eating a specific food, you should eliminate it from your diet as you may have allergies. However, the common foods usually blamed are NOT the cause of acne, but can be a trigger that causes existing acne to get worse.
If you are struggling with pimples or other forms of acne, it may be helpful to keep a journal to track which lifestyle choices seem to exacerbate your symptoms.
If you are truly looking for a solution to your acne, you need to get our acne and scar package from this link. The acne and scar package is so effective because it contains a very effective soap with an ingredient called BAHYU.
What is BAHYU?
BAHYU is oil obtained from horse fat just like other animal oil such as lard from pig fat or lanolin from sheep wool. It is 100% natural and additive free!
It is a powerful natural oil that helps to moisturize and protect the skin. It is also known to help reduce the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines.
For centuries in Japan BAHYU has been widely known as a home remedy for acne, dry skin, cuts, chapped skin, and hemorrhoids.
BAHYU products can help to improve the appearance of acne are by cleansing and exfoliating the skin, reducing inflammation, and helping to control oil production and more so the acne can go fast.
BAHYU has been used safely without a doctor’s prescription, as it can be used in food and there are no side effects. Traditional Chinese medicines incorporate it in treating acne and other skin problems.
The horse oil soap included in the acne and scar package naturally contains this ingredient and will help cleanse your skin, prevent breakouts, and heal your skin and existing breakouts, as it is absorbed when you wash your face.
Click here to learn more about it.
In our next post, we would be looking at the second myth of acne. Watch out for the post.